It's been really long long long time i didn't updated my blog ady. Very 3asy...i am just kinda busy & LAZY haha >.<"!! Let has a summary about my recent life. Well, since last time i were declared all the thing in my blog. Finally i got a conclusion, and that's it i lost one of best friend. From tat case i did learned something. Ppl are always SELFISH. They know how to say how to pretend and even know how to blind, but just want to protect theirself. haha...sound kinda funny right? But that's fact and i were really tired to believe anyone again. Lastly, i choose to silent & leave it. I dun feel want to explain anything again...and it is useless & pointless. I did really fed up... and i apologized with what i had done wrong. Although it was quite emo when the time i spent at KL..but it was lot of fun still ^_^!! Especially those yummy foods, seriously i am weak on "Anti foods" ...haha but i did enjoy lot ^_^
Let share some pics here....cheers ^_^
This was my 1st meal after ended the meeting at Putrajaya ^^
Let share some pics here....cheers ^_^