30 JAN 2010 SATURDAYReally been a long time never meet up with my darling Chiew Har edy. Really miss her much...it's very very miss the moment when both of us stayed in the same room & studied 2gether^^!! Since both of us were free today, so we decided to meet up at MID VALLEY & taken lunch 2gether^^!! DAMN...my best frens all disappeared dat day so the only way i can went there is by KTM & LRT. haizz...really beh tahan the "smell" when inside the KTM...summore was damn crowded. Nvm...it still excited when tink abt can meet my darling later^^!!
After met up with darling...den both of us decided to taken lunch at ZEN cafe. Actually this cafe is same with Secret Recipe...overall environment & foods is quite nice^^!!
ZEN Cafe by Secret Recipe at Mid Valley
Some Foods & Drinks that we had ordered^^!!---------------------------
After bek from MID VALLEY, then i straight went out to meet up with my other frens. Our Kelantan Dailou SIN HOONG was came from the Kampar bcos of the Malacca Trip^^haha!! Since after dinner all of us had nothing to do so we continued yamcha at Sri Rampai Paparich again. Wondering why my hometown have no Paparich...It's too bad>.<"!!

Afterward, Is havent end yet...the night is still young^^!! So the guys planned to went
BILARDO playing pool. Due to my hp had no battery that time, so i cant take any 4tors for the remaining activities. It's too bad actualy...haha>.<"!! Besides that, it was so surprised that the
"snake man" Zenten still came
Bilardo & went to supper 2gether. Although all of us were really wory abt him...but were really happy bcoz he could joined us...coz he really bring lot fun to all of us always...haha^^!!
Such a very meaningful day to me^^!!They're SinHoong, WeeKeong, Zenten, Yida, HuiNi, RuRu, YongYong & M3^^!!