Friday 15 October 2010
Been really long time i never updated my blog. I miss the previous moment when i studied at KL. In fact, that's impossible the time can be reverse. It's doesn't matter, i always know that as a human we must looking forward always. At least, i had a valuable memories which others don't have...isn't it?? So, be still going ^^!!
I could not foresee abt my future and can't look at the what about now?? life was suck when just back from KL. I have no much friends here, jobless, helpless...& hv to adapt an environment which i familiar but still felt strange. Is confuse with my thinking always actually >.<"!! Sometimes, i found me easy to lost control, especially my temper & emotion. I become more easy to get piss and even fed up. I always regret with what i had done and said. Especially towards my parent, i am very sorry to them because of my unreasonable bad temper & attitude. However, they will never blame on me and even give up on me. I really appreciated & thanks with what they had done to me.

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