Today early in the morning, one of my fren was called me woke n asked for breakfast 2gether...b4 dat i was felt very happy geh...coz i like the feel when taking breakfast in the morning^^! So, after ended the phone i was ready to wake up and get down from my bed. Very Unluckily, once i get down n juz walked only one step den i wasfall downjor...i dunno why i can fall down? Juz noe dat mayb i cant balance my body dat time...dats y will fall down jor. After it happened...i felt my foot was damn pain, i cant even stand up...juz can lay on the bed there. Suddenly, i felt veryhelpless coz i was stayed alone in the hostel, i dunno hw to called for help.
After rest a while, i was tried to stand up by myself...although i stil felt pain but i tot dat it will be ok after few hours. So, i juz ignored it & went out taken breakfast wif my frens. Haiz...watever i tot really always opposite wif the fact. After finished the breakfast, my foot like bcum moreSERIOUS edy...coz it wasswollen badly. Moreover, i was move hardly...once i move my leg wil felt more pain T.T. At last, i have no choice n force to c the doctor. I really hate to c doctor...but wat can i do T.T? Luckily my fren JIM was with us dat he bring me to c the doctor...really thx him & very sory always trouble you!!
Oriental跌打 at Genting Klang
Actually after happen dis i was felt really down...coz i feel that i am really useless...y i can always fall down...why i stil cant b independent & always brin a lot trouble to my frens & especially my family! I feel that i am really useless...y can always so careless >.< !!
A very meaningful text which copy from my fren there...share with u all at here, wish that u all can get sum sense on this^^!
1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
2. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.
3. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
4. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.
6. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
7. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
8. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.
9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
10. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
11. There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.
12. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.
13. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
2nite since 10pm sumtin edy i still hvt havin my dinner so i called out 1 of my fren c whether he wan brin me go eat supper^^!!hehe...dat's gud my fren was very nice...since he wanna eat too so we decided to went JlN IPOH to eat DIM SUM again^^!! Besides him, our another 2 frens who is Hui Ru & Zenten were joined us too^^!!
So, around 11pm sumtin we all were reached there. I am wonder whether most of the KL's ppl no nid sleep wan...coz although the time was so late edy....but stil hv a lot ppl eating Dim Sum at there. I tink mayb it's because the Dim Sum Restaurant at JLN IPOH there was quite famous too^^!! Anyway, i am really enjoyed & satisfied the foods at there...the Dim Sum is really yummy la^^haha! Moreover, i was very hungry actually so really eat a lot juz nw hehe...haizz~ no nid diet edy...everyday keep eating swt T.T!!
EaTiNg Dim Sum at JLN IPOH^^
HAHA...aLL my Favourit3 Dim Sum^^!!Yummy...
Finish3d...feeL so Satiat3^^!!
After we all finished the Dim Sum, we were waited one of our fren comin...he said wanna find us a while! LOLx...he really noty enuf...bcos he was shocked me bhind...make me shout at there...damn paisei =.=! However, the one i more sked is not a DOG actually haha! The dog's owner was very cute...talked a lot of things which about the dog to us...^^! A simple nite...but is really enjoyed too^^!!
Recently I felt that i am really like to eat...haha! Yesterday i was hanging out wif my lovely frens again^^!! Early in the morning ard 1030am...i was went to taken breakfast with my 2 sis & Kazaf^^!! Really too early jor...after taken the breakfast felt my stomach was keep pain...aiks T.T!Anyway, after breakfast 4 of us were straight went to to meet up with our another 2 frens^^!! We planned to sing K atGreen Boxactually...our singing time were booked at 2pm, since the time stil early & another 2 frens hvt reach yet so v decided to find a place chit chat & waiting them=.='! At last, we choosed to went GasOlineat Six floor there to waiting them...v were ordered sum snack & drinks to shared 2gether^^!!However, we cant finished those drinks & foods bcos it was not so yummy actually...swt=.="!
After we sing K, we straight went toSecret Recipeat Melati Utama^^! was my favourite time, bcos i really like those yummy food especially can eat my favourite cake^^haha! We all were very enjoyed at there^^...but so sad bcos my grandson "kazaf" had to went bek home 1st, dats y he cant joined us.By the way, i wannathanksJIM here for treat meSING K & the Cappucino Cheese Cake^^!! U really so GOODla...haha...a really nice man...any1 who hv interest with him can contact this number (010-2219828)...he still SINGLE & AVAILABLEnow^^haha!!
My FavouTit3 CappuciNo Chees3 CaK3^^
Swt..after finished our cake, we all were turn to having our dine. Haha...really geng in eat rite?? BUT i love it^^...bcos life is wanna fully enjoyed^^!! We choose to had our dine at OM Thai Food Restaurant at Genting Klang. This restaurant was quite famous as well and It Tomyam soup is really the taste^^!! Wish that my gastric wont be pain after drinks the tomyan soup...swt=.="!This time turn ZY cant joined us...bcos he gt sumtin to do later...T.T!
OM ThAi ResTauRaNt^^
Swt...after had our dine, Zenten said wanna cum joined us so we were waited him at the restaurant there.BUT it was so surprised when we saw him bcos he was success to dated our Lenglui Sin Yee come out. Actually b4 he coming, we all were bet him wont b success de...bcos he look like cant be trust ma...haha jkjk only^^!! Moreover, i tink juz bcos he lucky on dat day only^^...summore SIn Yee told us is bcos she noe that i was there dats y only agree to come out^^!! Zenten...u should thx me ya...hehe^^!! After they reached, Zenten was suggested us went to One Dessert shop which called HONEYMOON at Kepong. haha...after dine sure must have sum dessert we all were happy to follow oso^^!!
BeauTy & The B3asT^^haha!!
Since we wanna went to Kepong so we called out my grandson "Kazaf" joined us as well...we straight went to his house b4 went to the dessert shop^^! The dog at his hse is really fierce la...feel so scary when saw the dog...haha!! By the Way...he gt a friendly parents^^...when saw his family i was tinking my family too...miss them so much^^!! haha...i gt serious HOMESICK^^!! So, after that a gang of us went to HONEYMOON to ate dessert^^! It was a really nice dessert shop...the decoration of the shop was very pretty^^! Morever, the 2nd floor of the shop gt selling some clothes & accessories as well...very nice & Kawaii^^!!
Although yesterday we all were very tired but we all really enjoyed too. This may be my last year staying at KL edy...Hope that i can fully have fun & enjoyed with u all till the day i leave KL...Love ya my Frens^^!!
The next day morning, we all were woke up very early and went taken breakfast+lunch 2gether^^!! Haha…one of my fren from last nite was drunk til dis morning…z z z! Next time really hv no dare to ask her drinks so much jor…hehe! Anyway, after discussion we choose to go “面对面” at Genting Klang to taken our lunch. This noodles shop quite famous in KL actually, if not wrong it has open many branches at KL.
After finished our lunch, the guys wanna play pool again…they really damn like POOL-ING…hehe^^!! So, we just follow them lo…just a normal day^^!!
面对面...FACE TO FACE^^
Are You REadY^^?
PooL-KInG ZHeng YoNG^^
PooL-KiNg SIn HooNG^^
Haha...OuR FuNNY KiNG JIM^^
ANyone wHo Hv InT3R3sT tO ChaLL3nge Th3m Pls ConTacT M3 ya^^...hehe!!