The next day morning, we all were woke up very early and went taken breakfast+lunch 2gether^^!! Haha…one of my fren from last nite was drunk til dis morning…z z z! Next time really hv no dare to ask her drinks so much jor…hehe! Anyway, after discussion we choose to go “面对面” at Genting Klang to taken our lunch. This noodles shop quite famous in KL actually, if not wrong it has open many branches at KL.
After finished our lunch, the guys wanna play pool again…they really damn like POOL-ING…hehe^^!! So, we just follow them lo…just a normal day^^!!
面对面...FACE TO FACE^^
Are You REadY^^?
PooL-KInG ZHeng YoNG^^
PooL-KiNg SIn HooNG^^
Haha...OuR FuNNY KiNG JIM^^
ANyone wHo Hv InT3R3sT tO ChaLL3nge Th3m Pls ConTacT M3 ya^^...hehe!!
They're SiN Hoong, Ah Ming, ZHen Yong, Jim, YongYong, HuiRu & M3^^!
ANyone wHo Hv InT3R3sT tO ChaLL3nge Th3m Pls ConTacT M3 ya^^...hehe!!
They're SiN Hoong, Ah Ming, ZHen Yong, Jim, YongYong, HuiRu & M3^^!
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