2nite is another clubbing’s nite to me^^!! Really been a long time I din went to clubbing edy since last time I joined with Gavin, my ex & their frens. Erm…it’s BarceLona again…actually the venue is I choose geh…coz I wish that has the chance to c him at there, BUT at last he din appear oso…haizz. So sorry to my frens, I noe that u all dun like club at there…& I tink dis was my last time to clubbing at Barcerona edy!!
Anyway, that nite we all were really have fun & enjoy…and I play till very high summore hehe. Erm~ I really wish to get drunk on tat nite since I still feel sadness. Haiz…but dunno why I cant get drunk…it’s too bad. However, gt two of my frens was drunk jor…haha actually is quite funny but pls dun hv next time ya…hehe^^!!
That's M3^^
Kiss My Lov3ly ErJi3^^
CrysTaL & ALb33^^
HooNg & US^^
Ah MinG & US^^
ZenTen & US^^
KazaF & US^^
ZHen YoNg & US
JiM & US^^
Kiss My Lov3ly ErJi3^^
Yeah…I really love to clubbing…my frens all like to ask me why I so luv to clubbing…I tink it’s bcos when clubbing I can really relax & I can b another me which no nid to care abt hw other to tink on me…or mayb dat’s another way to let me escape from wat I dun wan to face…
They're SIn Hoong, ZHen Yong, ZHen Tian, JIm, KazaF, Ah MiNg, YongYong, HuiRu & M3^^
ENjoY , ReLax & FuN...That's LiF3^^!!
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